Portrait2Horst Lohse is a universal composer. Embracing almost all musical genres, his oeuvre ranges from reflective chamber music through to deep drilling orchestral sounds, from vocal works with brilliant precise text interpretation right up to adventurous forms of dance and music theatre.
Performed throughout the world, several works of Horst Lohse have been released by renowned labels like NEOS Music, ambitus, cpo, kreuzberg records and ragaprong. Guest lectures and portrait concerts took Horst Lohse to festivals in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Russia, the United States and Brazil.
Created in an interdisciplinary manner, Horst Lohse’s compositions are reflecting philosophical and mythological themes just as intensely as particular key motifs taken from visual artworks by Bosch, Klee, Chagall, Matta and Rauh right through to present-day conceptual arts. Polyglot in the variety of texts, Horst Lohse’s oeuvre catalogue testifies a profound concern with literary voices from Europe, the Eastern world, Africa, North and Latin America.
For his work, Horst Lohse was honoured with important prizes and awards: the City of Stuttgart Composition Prize, the Orchestral Composition Prize awarded by the Cultural Committee of German Business within the Federation of German Industries and the Society for Contemporary Music, the E.T.A. Hoffmann Prize of the City of Bamberg and the Friedrich Baur Prize of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts. Horst Lohse was prize winner at the European Composition Competition of the Aaarhus Symphony Orchestra and at the International Carl Maria von Weber Competition for ballet compositions at the Dresden Music Festival. When he was still a student, Horst Lohse received awards from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research and from the Music Academy Würzburg for his outstanding artistic achievement. Further awards followed: the Honorary Endowment of the City of Bamberg, the Berganza Prize of the Art Association Bamberg, the Otto Grau Cultural Prize and the Cultural Award of the Upper Franconia Foundation
Numerous works of Horst Lohse are published by edition gravis. Current CD releases: 
Letzte Dinge (Last Things). Hieronymus Bosch Triptychon. NEOS 11604 | Robert Hunger-Bühler, Christoph Maria Moosmann, Bamberg Symphony Orchestra, Aldo Brizzi   
Graphics in Music & Poetry. kreuzberg records 10147 | Michael Herrschel, Gernot Hammrich, Lorenz Trottmann    


Chronological Table


born at Kulmbach am Main 


Studies at the Pedagogical University Bayreuth 


Teacher and choral conductor


Studies at the Mozarteum University Salzburg: composition with Helmut Eder, violin with Jürgen Geise and Hermann Kienzl, Music Education with Barbara Haselbach, Wilhelm Keller and Hermann Regner 
Master classes with Bogusław Schaeffer and the Austrian Ensemble for Contemporary Music 


Prize for outstanding artistic achievement at the Mozarteum University Salzburg, awarded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research
WP Bagatellen für Streichquartett and Movements at Salzburg 


Studies at the University of Music Würzburg: composition with Bertold Hummel, musical theory and analysis with Klaus Hinrich Stahmer 


Teacher in music model classes at Bamberg 


Förderungspreis für Komposition der Musikalischen Akademie Würzburg 
WP Floating for Strings, Exercises and Imaginations at Würzburg 


Kompositionspreis der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart für Cantos sinfónicos 


Artistic State Examination in composition
Theory teacher exam
WP Quartett at Würzburg 
WP Laetare Jerusalem (Léopold Sédar Senghor) at Nuremberg 


Master student in composition with Bertold Hummel 


WP Lyrics at Bamberg 


WP Alliances inusitées at Bayreuth 
WP La morte d’Orfeo at Montepulciano (Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte
WP Floating for Strings (orchestral version) at Bamberg 


Lecturer at the University of Music Würzburg 


WP Solitude I at Bamberg 
WP Des Teufels goldene Haare at Bamberg (E.T.A.-Hoffmann-Theater
WP Epitaph für Nizami at Coburg (Landestheater


WP Solitude II (quasi un’elegia) at Bamberg (E.T.A.-Hoffmann-Theater
Solitude I at Kiel and Hanover 


WP Retour at Berlin 


Orchestral Composition Prize awarded by the Cultural Committee of German Business within the Federation of German Industries and the Society for Contemporary Music 
Prize winner at the European Composition Competition of the Aaarhus Symphony Orchestra 
WP Sisyphos at Leverkusen 


Honorary Endowment of the City of Bamberg 
WP Brahms-Metamorphosen and Moments de passion at Bamberg 
WP Phoenix (Hommage à Scriabine) at Nuremberg 


Prize winner at the International Carl Maria von Weber Competition for ballet compositions at the Dresden Music Festival 


WP Nocturne - Aubade at Bielefeld 
WPCantos sinfónicos (Federico García Lorca) at Nuremberg 


Co-founder of Neue Musik in Bamberg and Tage der Neuen Musik Bamberg 
WP Bamberg Symphony  


WP Divergenz at Leverkusen 
WP Rounds and Interludes, Laetare Jerusalem (choir version), Solitude III and Aprilmusik at Bamberg 


Jury member and lecturer at the competition Jugend komponiert of Jeunesses Musicales Deutschland 


WP Rückert-Lieder at Schweinfurt 
WP Auf einen Stein am Weg geschrieben (Rubén DaríoBeltrán Morales | Gioconda Belli) at Braunschweig (New Akademy) 
WP La morte d’Orfeo (orchestral version) at Nuremberg 
Phoenix at Donaueschingen 


WP Brahms-Reflexionen at Leverkusen 
WP Der eingebildet Kranke at Bamberg (E.T.A.-Hoffmann-Theater
CD Roseau-Quintett (tgf records): Nocturne - Aubade 


WP The Seven Deadly Sins in Bonn 


WP Five Portraits (nach Homer’s Odyssey) at Bamberg 
WP Aus der Tiefe at Nuremberg 
The Seven Deadly Sins at Erlangen, Frankfurt and Nuremberg 


WP Greetings at Bayreuth 


WP Abschied and Die Zeit ist ein uferloser Fluss at Bamberg (Villa Dessauer
Lecture at Bayreuth (composition workshop of the International Youth Music Festival) 
Participation at the 1st International Piano Forum …antasten… at Heilbronn 


WP Bird Monument, Decomposing at Bayreuth 
WP Drei Lieder (Edgar Allan Poe) at Halle (Handel House)
WP Chant à l’amitié at Nuremberg (St. Sebaldus
CD Mythen in Musik. ambitus 97814  


WP Spells for Bells at Bamberg 
WP Transitions on top of the Waldstein (Festival Mitte Europa
Bird Monument, Decomposing at Würzburg, Leiden (Made in Leiden 5), Bayreuth, Halle and Bamberg 


WP A. Schmidts Monde at Almada, Portugal 
WP G-A-M-E-S at Erlangen 
Lecture at Jesi, Ancona (Incontri internazionali di musica contemporanea
CD Brahms-Reflexionen. ambitus 97935 
CD Trio con variationi. ambitus 97936  


WP The Four Last Things at Bamberg (Joseph-Keilberth-Saal
A. Schmidts Monde at Zürich 


A. Schmidts Monde at Nuremberg, Würzburg, Bayreuth, Bamberg, Heilbronn, Freiburg and Fulda 


Berganza-Preis of the Art Association Bamberg 
WP Valses sentimentales et tristes at Bamberg (E.T.A.-Hoffmann-Theater
WP Nachtstück I+II at Orléans (Semaines musicales internationales
WP Hephaistos at Munich 
Nachtstück I+II at Turin (Festival internazionale di musica antica e contemporanea), Weimar (Tage Neuer Musik), Nuremberg and Bamberg 
Five Portraits at Istanbul (Goethe-Institut


WP AllerleiRauh at Weimar (University of Music Franz Liszt
WP Harmonie du soir at Bayreuth 
WP Prelude of Spring at Nuremberg 
Valses sentimentales et tristes at Natal, Brazil 
Lecture at Wuppertal (Cologne University of Music) and composer portrait at the Von der Heydt Museum, invited by the Bergische Gesellschaft für Neue Musik 


WP Nachtstück III at Erlangen 
WP Netz at Lüneburg 
Lecture and portrait concert at Munich (University of Music and Performing Arts
Portrait concert at Saint Petersburg (Festival Sound Ways)
CD Moments de passion. Cavalli Records 


CD …à E. T. A. Hoffmann. Cavalli Records 
CD Im Netz des Hephaistos. Berliner Bibliophilen Abend 


WP Dedicazione at Heilbronn 
WP Nachtstücke V+VI at Nuremberg (Neues Museum
Portrait concerts (…à E. T. A. Hoffmann) at Nuremberg and Bamberg (E.T.A.-Hoffmann-Theater


WP La naissance du feu at Bamberg 
WP Blue Spot at Kulmbach 
WP Die Sirenen noch im Ohr at Nuremberg 
WP Birgit’s Toy at New York City (Cooper Union | Spinet Project, an Experiment on Gesamtkunstwerk


WP Verhüllung (Wolfgang Hilbig) at Stuttgart (Gustav-Siegle-Haus
WP Turm der Winde at Fürth (Kulturforum
WP Mahan at Bamberg (E.T.A.-Hoffmann-Theater)
La naissance du feu at Dublin (Mostly Modern Series) 


Cultural Award of the Upper Franconia Foundation for achievements as a contemporary composer and for Artistic Direction of Tage der Neuen Musik Bamberg 
WP Nocturne memorialis D. S. at Saint Petersburg (Festival Sound Ways) 
Penelope at San José, Costa Rica (Martes por la noche)
Turm der Winde at Harmo Novi Trossingen (Hochschule für Musik


WP Drei Lieder (Ingo Cesaro) at Bamberg
WP …unterwegs… at Nuremberg (Hochschule für Musik
WP Canto perpetuo at Bamberg (University
A. Schmidts Monde at Bremen and Eschede 
Lecture at the Quasar Institute, Rome 
Composer portrait Incontro con l’Autore at Autunno Musicale, Museo Campano Capua 
CD …unterwegs…. Cavalli Records 


E.T.A.-Hoffmann-Preis der Stadt Bamberg for life-time achievement as a composer and for promotion of new music 
WP Morgenstern-Lieder at Berlin (BKA-Theater
WP Tor zur Tiefe at Bleibach 
A. Schmidts Monde at Salvador (Federal University of Bahia
AllerleiRauh at Timișoara (Festivalul International Timișoara Muzicala) and Bucharest (Săptămâna Internațională a Muzicii Noi) 
Five Portraits at Erfurt (musica rara-Festival) 
Composer portrait at BR Klassik (by Jörg Krämer)


WP La siesta del trópico and Doppelter Abschied at Nuremberg (Neues Museum
WP Solitude V (Labyrinth) at Bamberg (Villa Dessauer
Verhüllung at Bayreuth (Musica Bayreuth), Saint Petersburg (Festival Sound Ways) and Szczecin (Westival Sztuka Architektury
Lyrics at Rome (Festa Europea della Musica
Netz at Fortaleza, Brazil (Teatro Celina Queiroz, Festival Eleazar de Carvalho


Nachtklänge from Mahan at Timișoara, Bușteni (Centrul Cultural Aurel Stroe), Bucharest (George Enescu Festival) and Tolstefanz 
CD Lyrics. ragaprong RG 2010-002/LC 12599. CD Release at Hamburg (Kirche St. Pauli
CD Konzert für Arno Schmidt. cpo 777 508-2: A. Schmidts Monde. CD Release at Oldenburg (Internationales Jugendprojektehaus Weiße Rose 1)  


Lecture at Oldenburg (Komponisten-Colloquium
The Seven Deadly Sins and Abschied at Fürth (St. Paul | Auferstehungskirche) 


Friedrich Baur Prize of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts 
WP Sabelita Scenes N°2+4+9+17 (Michael Herrschel) at Nuremberg (Neues Museum) and Fürth (Auferstehungskirche) 
Tor zur Tiefe at Lüneburg (Festival Neue Musik) 
Nocturne memorialis D. S. at Weinsberg, Bad Rappenau and Mannheim (Neckar-Musikfestival) 


WP Cave cave Dominus videt (Michael Herrschel) at Fürth 
WP Fischgesänge (Ingo Cesaro) at Kronach (Synagoge
WP Spirits of the Dead (Edgar Allan Poe) at Nuremberg (Neues Museum
WP Palingenesis at Erlangen (Redoutensaal) 
Portrait concerts at Bamberg, Bayreuth, Kulmbach und Nuremberg 
Fremder Vogel (Michael Herrschel) at Bucharest (National University of Music
Five Portraits at Detmold (Hörfest Neue Musik: Mythos und Moderne
Dedicazione and Nocturne memorialis D. S. at Lüneburg (Festival Neue Musik) 
CD Horst Lohse | Trio Contraste. Cavalli Records 
Composer portrait at BR Klassik (by Wolfgang Schicker) 


Die Zeit ist ein uferloser Fluss at Timișoara 
Lyrics at Reutlingen 


Nocturne memorialis D. S. at Bayreuth (Zeit für Neue Musik) and Lüneburg 
Ira - Acedia - Avaritia at Baden-Baden 
Nausikaa - Kirke at Timișoara 
Moments de passion at Bucharest (Meridian Festival) 


Abschied at Bayreuth (Zeit für Neue Musik) 
Prelude of Spring at Weißenburg 
Penelope at Iowa City 
Fremder Vogel (Michael Herrschel) at Timișoara (Intrada Festival) and Bucharest (Meridian Festival) 
The Seveb Deadly Sins at Craiova (Festivalul Craiova Muzicală) 
CD Letzte Dinge (Last Things). Hieronymus Bosch Triptychon. NEOS 11604  


La morte d’Orfeo (orchestral version) at Timișoara 
Portrait concerts at Bamberg (Colours of Infinity) and Fürth (Ocular Chorales): The Seven Deadly Sins - Cave cave Dominus videt (Michael Herrschel
Moments de passion at Düsseldorf (Gerhart-Hauptmann-Haus
Drei Lieder (Edgar Allan Poe) at Bucharest (Meridian Festival) and Timișoara (Intrada Festival)
Lecture at the Caspar Walter Rauh Symposium at Porto 
Transfer of printed scores and completed manuscripts to the Bamberg State Library 


Dedicazione at Lüneburg (Festival Neue Musik) 
Portrait concerts at Bamberg (Horst Lohse & Friends), Münster, Delmenhorst and Timișoara 


WP Tree Stories (Ursula Shields-Huemer) at Bayreuth (Kunstmuseum
Cave cave Dominus videt (Michael Herrschel) at Munich (Münchner Orgelsommer) 
Moments de passion at Bucharest and Timișoara (Timsonia Festival) 
Graphics in Music & Poetry: Multi media concerts at Bayreuth (for the twenty-year anniversary of the Kunstmuseum) and Bamberg (with studio recording)


Graphics performances at Himmelkron (Winterkunstwochen) and Fürth 
Moments de passion at Sibiu (Festivalul Minunata Muzică Nouă)
CD Graphics in Music & Poetry. kreuzberg records 10147  


WP Nausikaa - Kirke - Penelope (Recorder Version) at Nuremberg (Hirsvogelsaal)
WP Duo concertant at Fürth
WP Das Steinschneiden (Michael Herrschel) at Nuremberg 
WP Pandora ist tot (Michael Herrschel) at Darmstadt (State Theatre, online)  
Abschied on CD Perspektiven. audiotransit


WP Haiku Suite (Ingo Cesaro) at Nuremberg (Kulturwerkstatt Auf AEG)
WP Kalypso - Pallas Athene (Recorder Version) at Nuremberg (Hirsvogelsaal)
WP Pandora ist tot (Michael Herrschel) at Nuremberg (St. Martha, live)
WP Landscape with River at Timișoara (Festivalul Internațional de Muzică Nouă) 
Cave cave Dominus videt (Michael Herrschel) at Neu-Ulm, Fürth and Bad Wörishofen 
Five Portraits at Nuremberg (Hirsvogelsaal) and at the Franconian Theatre Summer 
…unterwegs… at Bamberg 
Valses sentimentales et tristes at Berlin 
Landscape with River at Heidelberg, Vienna, Gyula and Bucharest (Săptămâna muzicii noi) 
Website www.horst-lohse.de becomes part of the electronic long-term archive of the Bavarian State Library 


WP Caprice. Blues. Variations at Fürth
WP Five Early Songs after English Poems at Nuremberg
WP Miniatures Japonaises at Nuremberg
WP Berceuse at Nuremberg
Portrait concerts at Fürth and Bamberg
KlangSplitterMosaik at Bayreuth, Himmelkron, Fürth, Nuremberg and Bamberg: piano miniatures dedicated to Horst Lohse on his 80th birthday
Monograph Horst Lohse within the book series Bavarian Composers 


Turm der Winde at Nuremberg and Brunsbüttel 
Portraits at Fürth



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